Giant icebergs clog the harbour of the town of Qaqortoq, Greenland. Originating from the ice pack near the North Pole and travelling south along the east coast of Greenland, the icebergs often carry polar bears as passengers. Eventually, the bears swim ashore and wreak havoc in the communities of southern Greenland. Read more in “Archived Stories VI”.
Before you judge a photograph...
...think about this: what if there was more to a picture, perhaps a deeper meaning, a less than obvious explanation to what you are seeing or a hidden surprise? If you took time to explore a picture with that in mind, what would you learn about the filters you apply to everything you see, hear and experience in the world? We all have filters that are shaped by our upbringing, the culture we live in, and the stuff we have learned from our own experience. Filters that can cause us to judge unfairly, dismiss important issues and highlight differences instead of commonalities.
Hi, my name is Rhyan Thomas. Living in Canada permits me many things: to live day-to-day in relative comfort, to live in security, to gain a wider perspective on the world, and to have an awareness of changes occurring on and to our planet - not least the changing of human consciousness. Travel helps with that. For several years now I have been fortunate enough to travel the world and see many things, meet many people, and observe and document with my camera. Far from claiming to be a professional photographer or a photo journalist, as an amateur photographer I simply try to paint a picture of the world as I see it - with my eyes and with my heart. Some pictures will challenge your perceptions and make you think, some will make you cry, some could very well act as a prayer, while others make you laugh.
With this website I am inviting you to journey with me. Throughout my travels, I will be posting pictures and share stories of the things I see and learn.
P.S.: Like most good things in life, this website will always be a work in progress.
~ RT